Data now reveals that the so-called horrible Covid-19 pandemic was nothing more than a moderate cold/flu season. The novel corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) had remarkable survivability, despite the mass media gaslighting hysteria surrounding it.

Is U.S. Gov. Is Coordinating A Depopulation Program Against The World?
Dr. David Martin joins Alex Jones live in-studio to break down how states across the country are preparing criminal charges against Big Pharma.
Vaccine Manufacturer Profits
According to a new People's Vaccine Alliance analysis of recent earnings reports, the three pharmaceutical giants have made a total of $34 billion in profits for the 2021 year, which amounts to roughly $1,083 per second, $64,961 per minute, or $3.9 million per hour.
per sec
per min
per hour
Coronavirus and the money behind vaccines | FT Film
The FT explains how the vaccine market works – including the cost of a vaccine and the vaccine development process – and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. This short documentary features global experts including Bill Gates, the CEOs of Moderna and Gavi, and the lead scientist behind the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine. Read more
Largest Pharma Settlements
The largest pharmaceutical settlements in U.S. history have two vaccine manufactures at the top of the list. source
False Claims Act, FDCA. Off-label promotion, kickbacks. Drugs: Bextra, Geodon, Zyvox, Lyrica. source
Johnson & Johnson
False Claims Act, FDCA. Off-label promotion, kickbacks. Drugs: Risperdal, Invega, Nesiritide. source